Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram Old- Aged Home

Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram Vriddhashram
An old aged home was inaugurated on the holy event of Parampujya Aghoreshwar Ramji's Nirvaan Diwas. The facility has 23 rooms. The ground floor has two big rooms with 5 and 3 bed facility. The first floor has 14 rooms and second room has 7 rooms , each of two bed facilities.
The complete has been equipped with steam cooking technology and a lift has been installed to ferry the old aged persons to upper floors.The facility of proper food ,general medication and security has been considered on a highest note. The address and contact number of the Old Aged Home is mentioned below:
Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram Vriddh Ashram Address: Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram MahaVibhuti Ishatl Gangaghat, Parao Varanasi (U.P.)India
Contact: Mr. Suresh Singh - +91-9415204318/+91-8081592126
Please refer to the Prospectus, Rules and Regulation guide and Annexure attached below
Click Here to download: Prospectus and Rules & Regulations and Annexure
1. The Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram Vriddhashram has been established by AGHOR PARISHAD TRUST having its head office at Awadhoot Bhagwan Ram Kusth Seva Ashram, Parao, Varanasi (hereinafter referred to as ‘THE SAID TRUST) with the objective of providing an amicable environment of likeminded people who in view of the loneliness felt by them in their own houses are forces to lead a solitary life of depression and despair and which is not possible for them to get themselves on an individual basis.
The said trust by the Vriddhashram aims to achieve this by providing them all the facilities like food, shelter, security and fellowship which these old people need in the fag end of their lives. The trust will arrange to provide the above facilities either by their own source or by the help of likeminded people or the organisations having similar objective.
2. The Vriddhashram shall be controlled and managed by the committee of members appointed for the purpose by the said trust. The management committee shall be accountable to the trustees of the said trust only. The management committee shall consist of atleast 6 no. of people who are independent and well-known in the society.
3. The Vriddhashram will arrange to appoint independent contractors for the purpose of fooding, cleaning and maintenance, special medical treatment, laundry service or any other like service to the resident and the resident shall pay the charges directly to the service provider appointed by the management committee based on the proportionate actual basis. The Vriddhashram shall not receive any monthly or day to day charges from the residents in respect of these services in any manner.
4. The Vriddhashram will not charge any amount for the accommodation. The objective of the said Vriddhashram is only to advance the object of charitable purposes of the said Trust and thus, there shall be no relation of land lord and tenant between the residents and the Vriddhashram at any time under any circumstances and in any manner whatsoever.
5. The residents shall only be made liable to pay electricity charges on the basis of their respective consumption. No charge other than electricity shall be payable by the residents.
6. It will be the responsibility of the residents to maintain cleanliness of the rooms which may be allotted to them and they shall follow all instructions and /or directions of the management committee of the Vriddhashram in this connection.
7. Application for admission will be entertained generally from gentleman and/or ladies who have attained age of at least 60 years on the date of application. The management committee however retains the right to relax this rule in special circumstances. The selection of residents shall be made at the absolute discretion of the management committee and the residents will be allowed to continue as residents unless decided otherwise by the management committee .Residents are not allowed to continue directly their day-to-day profession , business or service once they have joined the Vriddhashram. However they are free to voluntarily contribute their services in the ashram activities.
8. All applicants will be required to fill in the application form (Appendix A) which can be obtained from the Vriddhashram office and submit the same for consideration by the management committee .Any wrong statement in the application form may disqualify a person from continuing in the Vriddhashram.
Upon selection by the management committee for admission to the Vriddhashram, the person concerned will be required to pay an amount of Rs. 50,000/- per head as an interest free refundable security deposit and keep the same deposited as long as he/she continues to remain in the Vriddhashram. The amount of such security deposit shall be refunded to the residents or their nominee (Appendix B) when they vacate the room and any if any damage is incurred in the room, the amount equivalent to the damage as decided by the management committee shall be deducted from the amount of refundable deposit.
9. The management committee will arrange the treatment by a doctor for minor ailments without any additional charge .All other medical expenses in the Vriddhashram like specialist consultancy charges, hospitalization charges, nursing care charges or Nursing Home etc will have to be paid by the individual concerned separately as per Para 3 . The decision of the management committee will be final.
10. Facilities for recreation will be provided by the trust maintaining Radio, T.V., Library, Indoor Games etc. at the sole discretion of the management.
11. Visiting hours for outsiders will be normally from 9-30am to 11-30 am and 4-00pm to 6:00 pm and their visitors do keep and adhere to the said time schedule.
12. No pets will be permitted in the Vriddhashram.
13. The management committee will arrange both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals (breakfast, lunch, evening tea & dinner) to be provided at the Vriddhashram’s dining room. The charges shall be borne by the residents as per Para 3
14. The management committee will arrange the laundry facilities to be available for personal garments and such items as are included in clause 20 for which charge will be borne by the residents separately as per Para 3
15. The residents of the Vriddhashram may go out, by making entries of the time of departure and expected time and returned in a book kept for the purpose with the permission of the person designated by the authorities.
16. Food will be served in rooms only on special permission of the person in charge. The residents may be permitted to prepare Tea in the kitchenette at the discretion of the authorities but no remission will be made in the charges.
17. The management reserves the right to terminate arrangements with any residents and disallow him/her to continue to remain in the Vriddhashram and its decision in the matter will be final. However, in case management decides to terminate or disallow any resident to continue to remain in the Vriddhashram, the management shall provide a reasonable time shall be given to resident before termination.
18. If any accommodation is available, out station relations or friends may allowed to stay in the Vriddhashram by due permission from the managing committee of the Vriddhashram under special circumstances.
19. The residents will not be allowed to have or take any intoxicants including tobacco and liquor. The decision of the Management Committee will be final.
20. The furniture and beds will be supplied by the Vriddhashram but the resident will have to bring and keep for their own use the required wearing apparel. Bed sheets, pillows, pillow cases, blanket, mosquito net, toothpaste, brush, hair oil shaving set and other article of day to day personal use. Please refer to the instruction in this regards.
21. The decision of the management committee shall be final and binding on all the resident of the Vriddhashram regarding all or any of the affairs and activities of the Vriddhashram and/or in relation to the meaning and interpretation of these rules and regulations and/or in respect of such issues or matters about which nothing has been stated in these rules.
22. The trusts or member of the management committee will not be responsible if despite the best efforts made by the management the residents suffer hardships or losses including those from closers.
23. These rules and regulation will be subject to alteration, amendment, deletion and/or addition at the sole discretion of the management committee.
N.B. If the residents desire to bring items other than those mentioned in clause 20 the permission of the authority will not be withheld unreasonably. If permission is given for bringing a radio or T.V. set it must be used without causing any inconvenience to other residents.
1. The residents wanting to work inside or outside the Vriddhashram area in an individual capacity will be decided by management committee.
2.With regard to rule 15 it must be appreciated that except for special reasons the period of staying out frequently or for long periods will have to be limited.
3. It will be convenient for the residents to bring with them or by electric blower, in addition to the items listed in clause 20 of the rules in consultation with the management. Electric points will be provided in the Vriddhashram but power may be separately charged for.
4.Postal address:
Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram Vriddhashram
Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram Mahavibhuti Sthal Ganga Tat, Parao,Varanasi. Pin- 221008
1. The Vriddhashram is not a profit making organisation and all charges made will be spent for the benefit of the resident in the long run.
2.The capital expenses are borne mostly by the AGHOR PARISHAD TRUST without expecting any return.