Avadhoot Bhagwan Ram Nursery Vidyalaya

Children in the care of a wise man are like arrows in the quiver of the valiant." -Parampujya Aghoreshwar
Parampujya Aghoreshwar founded the 'Avadhoot Bhagwan Ram Nursery Vidyalaya' (School) in 1973, in the campus of the headquarters of the Samooh. The fee is nominal, no fee is charged from children of poor families and needy students are provided with all essential facilities.
Here children are groomed for their overall development for making them good citizens. Many branches of the Samooh run schools on similar lines in different parts of India. Besides, the Samooh provides all support to poor students of schools and colleges. The Samooh makes arrangements for food, clothing and payment of fees of needy students who reside in the Ashrams besides providing them free medical facilities. Many students have qualified for jobs, staying and completing their studies in the Ashrams of Sri Sarveshwari Samooh.